Monday, March 18, 2013

My Procrastination Meme

And of course I had to do it!
I have been procrastinating a lot lately, and not just with my blog, but with other things that I really shouldn't be lazy with. And it's not intentional, I just have the attention span of a Squirrel, a sparkly flying Squirrel, but a - oh nevermind you get it. 
Anywho, here's my Meme.
  1. What is the rez date for your current SL Avatar that you use most often? Jasey Pavlova-Katana; January 29th, 2009
  2. Where was the first place you made friends as a newb and got to know people in Second Life? When  I was a wee little noobie, there was a CSI group that I had joined, and there was an interactive Sim that went along with it. I spent most of my first year solving murder mysteries, and even chasing a fictional murderer all around  the grid with my CSI buddies. It was great fun ^_^ Sadly the group and the sim is gone.
  3. Where do you spend most of your SL time now? In my home on the Ever After Weddings sim.
  4. Who is your closest friend in Second Life? (only pick one) Winter Tenenbaum, My momma :)
  5. What is the most favorite thing in your inventory? (only pick one) My Sadie Hybrid Avie
  6. The last thing you purchased in Second Life? Sadie Glitter Makeup Add-on from LOGO @ Skin Fair
  7. What color clothing does your avatar wear most often? Light Pink or Mint
  8. Do you prefer to walk, run or fly? Fly, everything else takes too long....
  9. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done in SL? Hmmmm. Well last year I was dared to run around Whore Couture wearing nothing but a giant flexi penis, and I did! LOL
  10. Who would you like to play YOU, in the movie of your SLife? Anne Hathaway
Skin: Sadie Infinity Hybrid Avatar (Alabaster): LOGO
Hair: Little 03: Magika
Tattoo: Gameboy Mesh Costume (Tattoo only): Zup


  1. I love this picture, so pretty! And I LOL'd at the flexi penis, I'm surprised you didn't get banned from the event! LOL! Thanks for playing again. <3

    1. Thank you :D

      Luckily it was near the end of the event's running time, so almost no one was there, so I got lucky!
